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Hyde Park
07 Jan , 2023
By, Admin

Hyde Park

Hyde Park is one of London's best-known green spaces, and before it opened to ice cream-munching tourists and Londoners taking shortcuts to work, was King Henry VIII's hunting grounds. Wildlife is abundant in Hyde Park, particularly birds: look out for robins, tits and dunnocks in the trees and shrubbery. Swans and Canada geese are rampant on Kensington Gardens' Round Pound, while the Serpentine attracts all kinds of feathered creatures: mute swans, Mandarin ducks, Egyptian geese, buzzards, grey herons, Eurasian kestrels. Around dusk during the warmer months, bugs around the Serpentine make it a feeding frenzy for bats, best seen on Dell Bridge and Serpentine Bridge. 5am-12am year round. It's free to enter (unless you're attending a special event like Winter Wonderland or BST Hyde Park).

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