• 52-56 Inverness Terrace, Bayswater, London, W2 3LB.
  • +44 (0) 20 7792 2800
At Hyde Park International Hotels London, we take great care to provide you with the best and most helpful information through our website and invite and advise all our visitors to read and understand our terms and conditions carefully before finalizing their bookings.
By making a booking via our website, you also accept and agree with all terms and conditions set out below. The terms and conditions are all standard to the industry.

All the information on this website pertains to 'Hyde Park International Hotels London' and also information specific to every hotel in Hyde Park International Hotels London. We have taken great care to make this website as clear and informative as possible and all the information here is presented with great care and attention; however, will not guarantee the information is presented correctly. And we will not be liable for any inconveniences, loss of revenue or any damages, which result from the direct or indirect use of any information provided on our website.
We also try to ensure that all information presented on our website is accurate, appropriate and up to date, and these benchmarks are reviewed in a timely fashion. However, we do not make guarantees of any kind that the rates and hotels listed will be available at the time of bookings.
If as a consumer you feel that certain piece / type of information is expressly needed and you cannot find it on your website, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will rectify or will provide the information required without delay.

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